Best Defense to Child Support: Seeking Court-Ordered Time Sharing

Hey guys, Child Support School here! Today, I want to talk about the best defense to fight child support. Now, let me make it clear that nothing in this blog should be considered legal advice. What I’m about to share is purely for educational purposes. With that out of the way, let’s dive into the topic.

As a family law attorney with over a decade of experience, I’ve learned that the absolute best defense to child support is seeking court-ordered time sharing with your child. In most states, child support calculations take into account factors such as your income, the other parent’s income, and the number of overnights the child spends with each parent. Therefore, establishing court-ordered time sharing can significantly impact the amount of child support you’re required to pay.

Understanding Child Support Calculations

Child support payments are typically calculated based on the income of each parent and the number of overnights the child spends with each parent in a given year. For example, if the child spends 182.5 nights at Dad’s house and 182.5 nights at Mom’s house out of 365 nights in a year, both parents have 50% of the overnights, also known as 50/50 custody. This breakdown becomes crucial because it influences the child support payment.

I’ve seen cases where a parent’s child support payment dropped significantly when they were granted 50/50 time sharing. For instance, a parent who used to pay $500 per month may end up paying only $180 or less per month with equal time sharing. It’s important to note that while seeking equal time sharing may lower your child support, it also comes with increased financial responsibilities for the child’s needs during the time they spend with you.

The Importance of Court-Ordered Time Sharing to Fight Child Support

Before pursuing equal time sharing solely to lower your child support, it’s crucial to consider the financial aspects. While the child support amount may decrease, the expenses associated with having the child with you for 50% of their life should also be taken into account. From providing food and clothing to taking them to various activities, these costs can add up. It’s essential to think about both the financial and emotional aspects when making this decision.

Speaking from personal experience as a father of six, I believe that having a relationship with your child is of utmost importance. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the child’s birth or the other parent’s behavior, it’s not the child’s fault. Many parents initially approach the child support process to lower their payments but eventually realize the value of establishing their rights and nurturing their relationship with their child.

If it’s vital for you to have an equal role in the parenting process and spend equal time with your child, I encourage you to file a petition with the court. Whether you’re going through a divorce or seeking to establish paternity, taking legal action allows you to establish a parenting plan and obtain court-ordered time with your child. Avoid relying on verbal agreements with the other parent, as they often lead to complications in the long run. Proactively pursuing court-ordered time sharing is the best approach.

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Thanks again for your support, and I’ll see you in the next one!